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Conference Paper News Package Service based on TV-Anytime Metadata Gathered from RSS
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Hee Kyung Lee, Hui Yong Kim, Han-Kyu Lee
Issue Date
International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
Recently, the convergence of the broadcasting and telecommunication has been issued. As representative convergence models, the broadcasting with bi-directional return path and IPTV with TPS(Triple Player Service) service have been already developed and penetrated into the consumers. In advance to the tendency, TV-Anytime Forum standardized the system and method for bi-directional return path service which allows a consumer to access to interactive content, such as the Internet and interactive television. For those interactive content and metadata service, the service providers need to collect a large number of contents, and author metadata for all the gathered contents. To reduce these service providers' loads, and allow them to be easily provided rapidly updated contents, we propose to make use of RSS(Rich Site Summary) service. RSS is simple data format based on XML(extensible Markup Language) which is used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts. Additionally, the member elements of RSS are very similar to those of TV-Anytime metadata, so they can be easily transformed to the TV-Anytime metadata. Therefore, in this paper, as an interactive content and metadata service taking advantage of RSS, we present news package service which is based on TV-Anytime metadata transformed from RSS data and contents gathered from RSS service.
KSP Keywords
Bi-directional, Digital content, Extensible markup language(XML), Interactive Content, Interactive television, Service Provider, data formats, return path