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학술대회 A Note on Mmorphological Development and Transformation of Bezier Curves based on Ribs and Fans
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이주행, 박형준
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2007, pp.379-386
07MC1600, 기능 확장형 초고속 랜더러 개발, 최진성
We propose novel methods to generate a sequence of shapes that represents the pattern of morphological development ortransformation of a B챕zier curve. The methods utilize the intrinsic geometric structures of a B챕zieer curve that are derived from rib andfan decomposition (RFD) [Lee and Park 2005]. Morphological development based on RFD shows a characteristic pattern of structural growth of a B챕zier curve, which is the direct consequence of development path defined using fans. Morphological transformation based RFD utilizes development patterns of given curves inspired by the theory of evolutionary developmental biology: although two mature curves are quite different in shapes, we can easily find similarities in their younger shapes, which makes it easier to set up featurre correspondences for blending. Further controls on base transformation and extrapolation ratio can determine the dominance of features and compensate the immaturity that may occur during the transformation. The developmeent and transformation patterns generated with the methods have smooth and unique geometric style that cannot be generated using conventional methods based on multi-linear blending.
KSP 제안 키워드
Base transformation, Bezier curves, Characteristic pattern, Conventional methods, Development path, Set up, developmental biology, morphological transformation