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Conference Paper Certification Tools of Ubiquitous Mobile Platform
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Sang-Yun Lee, Byung-Uk Choi
Issue Date
International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC) 2007 (LNCS 4611), v.4611, pp.63-72
Conference Paper
The Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability (WIPI) is a wireless Internet standard platform in Korea. The WIPI is composed of four main parts including the hardware abstraction layer (HAL), a runtime engine, and two standard application programming interfaces (APIs, WIPI-C and WIPIJava). A certification process is required to ensure the interoperability of the developed WIPI platform. In this paper, we propose the platform certification toolkit (PCT) and HAL certification toolkit (HCT) as WIPI specification certification tools. The PCT certifies the functions of the platform and standard APIs, whereas The HCT certifies the HAL API. Users can find precisely where an error occurred by using the tools, which facilitate the debugging processes and reduce development time. We describe the architecture of the PCT and the HCT and show the implementations. And, we introduce the case study applying them to the real WIPI reference implementations. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
KSP Keywords
Application programming interface, Case studies, Certification process, Development time, Hardware abstraction layer, Mobile platform, Standard platform, Wireless Internet, internet platform