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학술대회 Human-Robot Interactive Guiding System's Application in Sonar Quick Mapping
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이유철, 나상익, 안효성, 유원필
International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2007, pp.194-199
07MI1100, URC를 위한 내장형 컴포넌트 기술개발 및 표준화, 황대환
This study introduces the sonar quick mapping method using tethered-robot guiding system, Navi-guider, that is one of the human and robot interactive devices. Basic function of the Navi-guider is to actively control the robot through the tension length and an orientation of the cable. This is able to easily control the mobile robot, is applied to robot controller for quick mapping. Using Navi-guider, user can easily control the mobile robot, but the sonar sensors of the robot head occasionally make the wrong decision to return the incorrectly measured distance between the sensor and an object. Therefore, this paper presents a filtering method, called a cell conjunction filter (CCF), for building a sonar grid-based map for a mobile robot using Navi-guider. The CCF can recover the wrongly updated map by the incorrect sonar data. The principle of the CCF was based on revaluation of the occupancy possibility in a certain cell through the probabilistic relation among the cells. In this paper, the CCF was applied to a basic grid map construction model, Bayesian model, to verify its effectiveness. Experimental results were also obtained using a mobile robot in a real world environment. ©2007 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Bayesian model, Construction model, Filtering method, Grid Map, Grid-based, Guiding system, Human-Robot, Interactive devices, Map Construction, Mapping method, Mobile robots