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학술대회 The Internal Sensor aided Asynchronous Wireless Localization System
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박상영, 안효성, 유원필
International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2007, pp.252-257
07MI1300, USN 기반 Ubiquitous Robotic Space 기술 개발, 유원필
In this paper, we present a wireless localization technique which operates in an asynchronous manner. We also state how to improve the system's performance using internal navigation sensors. The wireless localization system is developed based on the difference of signal's arrival times, so-called inter-node time difference-of-arrival (ITDOA) [11]. The advantage of this ITDOA-based localization scheme is that it uses the time differences of each node (not between nodes); so the time synchronization is not required. However, sometimes far more accurate location information than that of ITDOA localization system is needed. To increase the localization accuracy of ITDOA system, we use heading angle information provided from an internal heading sensor. The simulation result shows that the accuracy of the object position estimated from internal sensor aided ITDOA system is improved about 49 % compared to the ITDOA system. ©2007 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Accurate location, Heading angle, Localization systems, Location information(GPS), Sensor aided, Time Difference of Arrival(TDOA), Time synchronization, Wireless Localization, each node, inter-node, internal sensor