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학술대회 A Study of the Evolution of the u-City Service
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박웅희, 정우수, 조향숙
Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2007, pp.1141-1146
07KE1800, 미래의 도시발전 전략과 사업 Risk 최소화 방안 연구, 조병선
Recently, government have more concerns elementarily high in the ubiquitous Information technology (u-IT) introduction as methods to solve the problem of city and to enhance its competition. This becomes the motivation to construct the next city called ubiquitous city(an u-City it reduces). The advanced u-IT infra and ubiquitous computing technology exist as the environment, not just a tool in the city life. u-City is the future wherethe physical spaces and electronic spaces are converged. But there is not a clear definition and the standard service model for u-City. Therefore, the 'u' concept has to be understood around the realizable of servicesin consideration of the technique development. That is, it needs to look into how the ubiquitous computing relative techniqueand how the developed ubiquitous service evolves. To the ground the evolution of the technology and service required for the u-City build-up, this research categorized the conceptual range about the u-City service to the b-City, s-City, a-City, h-City. And the research will systematically increase understanding of the u-City service. Thereafter, in a research, the more concrete researches have to proceed that the various service model can be developed according to the u-City service object. © 2007 PICMET.
KSP 제안 키워드
Build up, Information Technology, Service Model, u-City, ubiquitous city, ubiquitous computing technology, ubiquitous service