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Conference Paper Designing Reliable P2P File Sharing Application without PKI
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Sang Choon Kim, Hyeok Chan Kwon, Jae Hoon Nah
Issue Date
World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2007, pp.1-9
Conference Paper
A PKI (public key infrastructure) enables users of an unsecure public network such as the Internet to securely. The acceleration of e-commerce and business-to-business commerce over the Internet has increased the demand for PKI solutions. Several researchers proposed PKI-based p2p network framework [1-3]. However, in the real world, the use of PKI is not suitable for peer to peer network, because the peer-to-peer network is an open and dynamic network. Moreover, currently there is no nation-to-nation compatible certificate. In this paper, we designed reliable p2p file sharing application without public key infrastructure. To do this we propose reliable public key distribution mechanism to distribute public key safely without PKI infrastructure for two-tier super-peer architecture. In our system, each peer generates and distributes its public/private key pairs, and the public key is securely distributed without PKI.