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Conference Paper Comparative Analysis of Optional Calling Plans for Fixed-Line Telephone Services
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Seong-Ho Seol, Byoung-Woon Kim, Moon-Soo Kim
Issue Date
Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2007, pp.3013-3020
Conference Paper
With the growth of competition in the telecommunication market, Optional Calling Plans were introduced in 1980s, have expanded dramatically in 1990s and now have become widespread rate systems in many countries. The Korean fixed operators currently provide OCPs. Compared to other countries; however, special optional calling plan has activated in Korean market. It is a unique calling plan where rates are based on previous calls made. That plan provides high market performance, yet it arouses criticism in the industry. There are questions raised by professionals in the industry if that plan based on previous call made is fair to consumers and is it more effective than other type of calling plan. Considering this circumstance, we theoretically analyzed and compare between rate system based on previous call made and different rate system including unlimited flat-rate and BOT, by mainly the perspective of efficiency. Results of our study show that rate system based on past calling patterns will be economically effective compared to other type of calling plan. Therefore, it is necessary not to prohibit this rate system, rather selectively regulating or other flexible means of regulation is desirable, nevertheless it has some week point. © 2007 PICMET.
KSP Keywords
Comparative analysis, Market performance