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학술대회 Performance Characterization of Prelinking and Preloading for Embedded Systems
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정창희, 우덕균, 김강희, 임성수
International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) 2007, pp.213-220
07MW1400, 모바일 컨버전스 컴퓨팅을 위한 단말적응형 임베디드 운영체제 기술개발, 김흥남
Application launching times in embedded systems are more crucial than in general-purpose systems since the response times of embedded applications are significantly affected by the launching times. As general-purpose operating systems are increasingly used in embedded systems, reducing appli-cation launching times are one of the most influential factors for performance improvement. In order to reduce the application launching times, three factors should be considered at the same time: relocation time, symbol resolution time, and binary loading time. In this paper, we propose a new application execution model using a combination of prelinking and preloading to reduce the relocation, symbol resolution, and binary load overheads at the same time. Such application execution model is realized using fork and dlopen execution model instead of traditional fork and exec execution model. We evaluate the performance effect of the proposed fork and dlopen application execution model on a Linux-based embedded system using XScale processor. By applying the proposed application execution model using both prelinking and preloading, the application launching times are reduced up to 71% and relocation counts are reduced up to 91% in the benchmark programs we used. Copyright 2007 ACM.
KSP 제안 키워드
Embedded applications, Embedded system, Influential factor, Loading time, Performance characterization, Resolution time, Xscale processor, execution model, operating system, performance improvement, response time