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Conference Paper High Performance S/W Receiver Prototyping for Feasibility Study on Developing a Receiver for GNSS Gsensor Station
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Jae-Hyun Kim, Seung Hyun Choil, In One Joo, San Guk Lee, Cheon Sig Shinl, Jae Hoon Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2007, pp.2558-2562
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MR2400, Development of Global Navigation Satellite System Ground Station and Search And Rescue Beacon Technologies, Lee Sang Uk
Modernized GPS and Galileo system will be available to civil users, thus there is a need for unified platform mat can receive multi-frequency signals of Galileo/GPS to develop and test a variety of applications. ETRI involved in developing technologies of GNSS ground infrastructure and next generation search and rescue beacon from 2007 up to 2010. We are going to develop High Performance S/W Receiver for feasibility study on developing a receiver for GNSS ground sensor station for the program. In order to test and verify S/W receiver prototype digitized IF signal generator is developed. The experimental result for the S/W receiver is presented in future. © ICROS.
KSP Keywords
Experimental Result, Feasibility study, GALILEO system, High performance, Multi-Frequency, Search and rescue, Sensor station, Signal Generator, Test and verify, ground infrastructure, modernized GPS