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Conference Paper ATPS – Adaptive Threat Prevention System for High-Performance Intrusion Detection and Response
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Byoung Koo Kim, Seung Yong Yoon, Jin Tae Oh
Issue Date
Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2007 (LNCS 4773), v.4773, pp.344-353
Conference Paper
The fast extension of inexpensive computer networks has increased the problem of unauthorized access and tampering with data. Many NIDSs are developed till now to respond these network attacks. As network technology presses forward, Gigabit Ethernet has become the actual standard for large network installations. Therefore, software solutions in developing high-speed NIDSs are increasingly impractical. It thus appears well motivated to investigate the hardware-based solutions. Although several solutions have been proposed recently, finding an efficient solution is considered as a difficult problem due to the limitations in resources such as a small memory size, as well as the growing link speed. In this paper, we propose the FPAG-based intrusion detection technique to detect and respond variant attacks on high-speed links. It is possible through novel pattern matching mechanism and heuristic analysis mechanism that is processed on FPGA-based reconfiguring hardware. Most of all, It was designed to fully exploit hardware parallelism to achieve real-time packet inspection, to require a small memory for storing signature. The technique is a part of our proposed system, called ATPS(Adaptive Threat Prevention System) recently developed. That is, the proposed system has hardware architecture that can be capable of provide the high-performance detection mechanism. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
KSP Keywords
Computer network, Efficient solution, Fast extension, Gigabit Ethernet, Hardware Architecture, Hardware parallelism, Heuristic analysis, High performance, Intrusion Detection Technique, Large network, Matching mechanism