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Conference Paper Reference Model of Broadband Convergence Network in Korea
Cited 3 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Kyu Ouk Lee, Sang Kwon Kim, Tae Soo Chung, Young Sun Kim
Issue Date
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2007, pp.219-222
Conference Paper
Korean operator has started BcN implementation plan by replacement of class 5 switching system with access gateway, implementation of trunk gateway, application servers, softswitch, new BcN premium backbone network, replacement of toll/tandem switch with trunk gateway, interconnection of 3G mobile to BcN, expansion of application server and 3rd party, and finally replacement of all class 5 switching system with access gateway. The development purpose of BcN reference model is to propose standard model of network vision, roadmap, requirements for the network architecture, and BcN service scenario and interworking issues which were suggested at Korean operator's BcN implementation plan. While, our BcN test bed can be used for the verification of network equipments and interworking between telecom operators and vendors. Based on our reference model, Korean BcN would be improved to provide various multimedia services. ©2007 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
3G mobile, 3rd party, Access gateway, Application server, Backbone Network, Multimedia Service, Network Architecture, Reference Model, Telecom operators, Test-bed, standard model