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Conference Paper Mobile Robot Navigation using RFID and Vision Sensor
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Hee Sung Chae, Sang Ik Na
Issue Date
International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC) 2007, pp.48-51
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MI1300, USN-based Ubiquitous Robotic Space Technology Development, Wonpil Yu
Ontologies play a key role in the Semantic Web which vision of the Web is as a universal medium for data, information, and knowledge exchange. OWL is the promising ontology language proposed by W3C, which is intended to provide a formal description of concepts, terms, and relationships within a given knowledge domain. Although OWL has a powerful expressive ability on knowledge, it has no capability to represent the uncertainty and imprecise information. In the context of Semantic Web and multimedia applications, concepts are rather vague than precise and there are increasing needs to deal with vague knowledge. This paper proposes an extension of OWL DL with fuzzy logic by giving the formal syntax and semantics, an instance is show that fuzzy information can be expressed well in the proposed ontology language. © 2007 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Imprecise information, Key role, Knowledge exchange, Mobile Robot Navigation, Ontology language, Vague knowledge, Vision sensor, formal description, fuzzy information, fuzzy logic(FL), multimedia applications