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Conference Paper Fabrication of a Direct-Type Silicon Pixel Detector for a Large Area Hybrid X-Ray Imaging Device
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Kun-Sik Park, Tae-Woo Kim, Yong-Sun Yoon, Jong-Moon Park, Jin-Yeong Kang, Jin-Gun Koo, Bo-Woo Kim, J. Kosonen, Kwang-Soo No
Issue Date
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) 2007, pp.3446-3449
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MB1300, Set-up of Research Infra for IT Fusion Technology, Jin-Yeong Kang
We demonstrated the design and the fabrication processes of a direct-type silicon pixel detector for a digital dental radiography made using a high-resistive n-type silicon substrate. The structure of the detector is based on a fully-depleted p-i-n diode. The detector is composed of 644,328 pixels with a pitch of 35 μm. The size of the detector is 2.58 cm × 3.47 cm and it is composed of a 4-block assembly with four read-out CMOS ICs. We focused on experimentally evaluating the process conditions for the silicon pixel detector to reduce the leakage current and improve the breakdown voltage. From the experimental results, we found that the high temperature drive-in after p + ion implantation deteriorates the leakage current and p+ passivation by thermal oxidation improves the breakdown voltage. The leakage current of a pixel was 0.07 pA/pixel and the breakdown voltage was more than 1700 V. The read-out IC consists of a current-integrating pixel readout CMOS chip and PbSn bumps. After bump-bonding four read-out ICs to a pixel detector and wire-bonding to a PCB, X-ray image tests showed a resolution of 111p/mm and provided a good image of human teeth. © 2007 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
700 V, Breakdown voltage(BDV), CMOS IC, Dental radiography, Fully depleted(FD), High Temperature, Human teeth, Imaging device, Ion implantation, Leakage current, PIN Diode