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Conference Paper Comparison of Force, Tactile and Vibrotactile Feedback for Texture Representation Using a Combined Haptic Feedback Interface
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Ki-Uk Kyung, Jun-Young Lee, Jun-Seok Park
Issue Date
International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID) 2007 (LNCS 4813), v.4813, pp.34-43
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MH2100, Development of an Intelligent Service Technology based on the Personal Life Log, Chang Seok Bae
In this paper, we compared force feedback, tactile feedback and vibration feedback for texture display. For this investigation, a pen-like haptic interface with a built-in compact tactile display and a vibrating module was developed. The handle of pen held haptic interface was replaced by the pen-like interface to add tactile feedback capability to the device. Since the system provides combination of force and tactile feedback, three haptic representation methods have been compared on surface with 3 texture groups which differ in direction, groove width and shape. Over all the tests, the haptic device with combined with the built-in compact tactile display showed satisfactory results. Vibration feedback was also reasonably effective in texture display. From the series of experiments, applicability of the compact tactile display and usability of pen-like haptic interface in a pen held hapic interface have been verified. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
KSP Keywords
Built-in, Force Feedback, Haptic Feedback, Pen-like, Representation method, Texture representation, Vibrating module, Vibration feedback, feedback capability, haptic device, haptic interface