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Conference Paper The Multipath Delay Spread Model for the LOS Case in Urban Areas
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Jong Ho Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2007, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MR1200, Development of the basic spectrum resource utilizing technology, Kim Chang-Joo
In this paper, it shows the delay spread model for the LOS case in urban areas. This model is derived from the measurement results of delay spread with a channel sounder, which has a resolution of 10 ns, a maximum delay time of 40.96us, and operating by PN mode at 8.05 GHz. The measurement environments were an urban area of three large and complex cities. The channel impulse responses are measured according to the distances between transmitter and receiver. The measurement results compares with the Rec. ITU-R P.1411-2, and they have similar results when they have similar radio environments and conditions. Finally, a delay spread model is recommended for 8 GHz band in urban areas. ©2007 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
5 GHz, Channel Sounder, Delay Time, Delay spread, GHz band, International telecommunications union radiocommunication(ITU-R), Measurement environments, Multipath delay, Spread model, Transmitter and receiver, Urban area