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Journal Article Synthesis and Optical Nonlinearity of Thermally Stable Polyimides Incorporated with Electro-Optic Chromophore as Side Chain
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Hyun Kyung Ju, Jong Sun Lim, Sung Cheol Yoon, Chang Jin Lee, Dong Hoon Choi, Seung Ku Park, Dong Wook Kim
Issue Date
Macromolecular Symposia, v.249-250, pp.21-28
John Wiley & Sons
Journal Article
Project Code
07MB2400, Nano flexible opto-electric PCB module for portable display, Ju Jung Jin
We prepared thermally durable nonlinear optical (NLO) polymers, based on a polyimide attached with a NLO chromophore as a side-chain. The polyimide with two aromatic hydroxyls in the repeat unit was prepared by condensation polymerization between 2,2-bis(3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane and oxydiphthalic anhydride in DMAc, followed by imidization reaction. Mitsunobu coupling was carried out to incorporate the NLO chromophore into the polyimide backbone, to yield the side-chain polymer with a loading level of the chromophore up to 65 wt%. The thermal characterization of the polymer showed that the NLO polyimide had Tg at 168°C and was thermally stable up to 370°C. The polymer solution was spin coated on the ITO glass to produce an optical quality film. The electro-optic coefficient of the film was obtained using 1.55 μm laser source, giving 31 pm/V with an electrical poling field of 1 MV/cm. The temporal stability of the polymer was confirmed over 330 h at 85°C under nitrogen condition. Copyright © 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
KSP Keywords
2-bis, Co. KGaA, Condensation polymerization, Electrical poling, Electro-optic coefficient, ITO glass, Laser sources, NLO chromophore, Nonlinear optical, Optical nonlinearity, Optical quality