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Conference Paper Just-on-Time Data Leakage Protection for Mobile Devices
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Bo-Heung Chung, Young-Ho Kim, Ki-Young Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2008, pp.1914-1915
Conference Paper
Project Code
08MS2400, Development of the threat containment for all-in-one mobile devices on convergence networks, Kim Ki Young
Illegal outflow of important data in a mobile device is a sensitive and main issue in mobile security. Within restricted resources such as small memory size and low battery capacity, it is need too much effort to defense this through the network. In this paper, we discuss a protection technique with minimum cost in the two aspects. When at the moment of a user really use the device, outbound traffic of a user can be observed by each user, all outbound traffic doesn't need to inspect as suspicious traffic. For inspecting a suspicious traffic, it doesn't need to prepare not whole pattern string set but a part of pattern string set. With the help of this technique, it has advantages that illegal outflow in a mobile device can be protected and prohibited effectively and a mobile device can be managed securely within low battery power consumption.
KSP Keywords
Battery capacity, Data Leakage, Leakage protection, Memory size, Minimum cost, Mobile devices, battery power consumption, mobile security