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Conference Paper Personalized Identity Agent for User-Centric IdM
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Seung-Hyun Kim, Han-Gyu Ko, Dae Seon Choi, Soo Hyung Kim, Seung Hun Jin
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2008, pp.1308-1313
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MK2700, User Control Enhanced Digital Identity Wallet System, Jin Seung Hun
As an emerging technology, the User-Centric Identity Management (IdM) places a user center in which the user directly determines the offer or not when the personal information of the user is needed. But the User-Centric IdM has some problems such as complicated security setting, difficulty of sharing determination of personal information, and the inefficient interaction repeat. In order to solve out these problems, we have to minimize setting procedure and present a recommendation that a user should refer to determine the sharing of personal information. It also needs to minimize user's interaction by learning the user's propensity. In this paper, therefore, we propose algorithms which provide a user the recommendation about the sharing of personal information in the User-Centric IdM. Then we look into how much reduce the user's interaction, and the avoidance of privacy intrusion by the changes according to the recommendation level.
KSP Keywords
Emerging technology, Identity management, Personal information, User-Centric Identity