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Conference Paper A Rate-Distortion Empirical Model for Rate Adaptive Wireless Scalable Video
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Yong Ju Cho, Hayder Radha, Jeong ju Yoo, Jin Woo Hong
Issue Date
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2008, pp.350-355
Conference Paper
Project Code
08MR4600, Development of Open-IPTV (IPTV2.0) Technologies for Wired and Wireless Networks, Hwang Seung Ku
Resent studies [1]-[3] have indicated that a significant improvement in wireless video throughput can be achieved by Cross Layer Design with Side-information (CLDS) protocols. In [18], for real-time video streaming over wireless LANs the optimal rate prediction architecture under CLDS (ORPA CLDS) was developed. In [18], we showed that an accurate source and channel coding rate prediction can be achieved by utilizing the video quality models and the distribution of channel prediction error process under CLDS. To optimally utilize ORPACLDS, the video quality function for rates exceeding the channel capacity (i.e., video rate-distortion function) should be taken into consideration. To this end, in this paper we propose an empirical model for video rate-distortion. To deduce the generic video ratedistortion model, actual Scalable Video Coding (SVC) [20] and Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code [17] were used. The outstanding performance of ORPACLDS in accordance with the video rate-distortion model is exhibited by using a comprehensive set of IEEE 802.11b wireless traces. © 2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Channel Coding, Channel capacity, Channel prediction, Coding rate, Empirical model, IEEE 802.11b, Low density parity check (LDPC) code, Optimal rate, Prediction error, Quality model, Rate adaptive