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Conference Paper Implementation of a Metadata Analyzer Based on the Expressive Multisensory System for the Ubiquitous Home
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Sang Wook Park, Jung Tae Kim, Jong Hyun Jang, Eui-Hyun Paik
Issue Date
International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2008, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
Project Code
08MC2400, Development of Ubiquitous Home Media Service System based on SMMD, Park Kwang Roh
This paper presents a metadata analysis platform to express multisensory media effects for home appliances and a home server in the ubiquitous home networks. The platform is based on a home server that is equipped with a hardware decoder for multimedia processing. The proposed metadata analyzer communicates with services modules for integrating the control of multiple home appliances. In the home networks, the expressive multisensory multimedia service includes the appliance control service and parsing metadata for the media. The metadata is comprehensive set of XML descriptions. In this paper, the implementation of the xml parsers is introduced and an algorithm is presented with software architecture for the metadata analyzer while elements and attributes of XML are converted to intermediate data for appliances control purposes.
KSP Keywords
Appliance control, Control service, Home Network, Home server, Intermediate data, Media effects, Multimedia Service, Multimedia processing, Multisensory system, XML Parsers, analysis platform