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Conference Paper A Simple Channel Model for Investigation of Multiuser Scheduling in MIMO Broadcast Channels
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Seung-Hwan Lee, John Thompson
Issue Date
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2008 (Spring), pp.513-517
Conference Paper
Project Code
08MR5400, Research on environment-adaptive autonomous technologies for mobile wireless access, Kim Jinup
In this paper, a simple multiple input multiple output (MIMO) broadcast channel model is proposed and compared with measured MIMO channels. The proposed model uses a sum-of-sinusoids model for temporal correlation and the Kronecker model for spatial correlation. MIMO channel measurements were performed in the city of Bristol, UK as a part of the Mobile VCE programme. These were conducted in the 2GHz frequency band with two pairs of dual polarized transmit antennas (4 transmit antennas) at the base station and with two pairs of crossed dipoles (4 receive antennas) at the receiver for different locations in a dense urban cellular environment. For validation of the proposed MIMO model, the standard deviation of cross correlations and eigenvalues are compared between the measured data and the simulated data. Numerical results demonstrate that the temporal correlation is more meaningful than the spatial correlation in view of multiuser scheduling in MIMO broadcast channels. Indeed, the proposed model has similar characteristics to the measured MIMO channels taking into account temporal correlation properties. © 2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Correlation properties, Cross-Correlation, Dense urban, Different locations, Dual-polarized, Kronecker model, MIMO broadcast channel, MIMO channel measurements, MIMO model, Multiple input multiple output(MIMO), Numerical results