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Conference Paper The Need of MTM Interface Specification for the Trusted Mobile Platform
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Hong Il Ju, Jeong Sook Park, Sung Ik Jun
Issue Date
International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA) 2008, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
In this paper we discuss the interface between the Mobile Trusted Module (MTM) and the mobile platform for the trusted mobile platform. And we describe about the need of MTM interface specification for the interoperability between a MTM manufacturer and a mobile platform manufacturer. For the Personal Computer (PC) platform, there is PC Client specific Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Interface Specification (TIS) defined by PC Client Work Group. Although the existing TPMs for the PC platform are not able to be used for the mobile platform, there is no MTM interface specification for a mobile platform. Also, unlike a PC, the mobile platform has a limited resource and requires low power processing and low spaces. Therefore, the discussion about the MTM interface specification is necessary in order to support to above requirements and the communication interface for the mobile platform.
KSP Keywords
Communication interface, Low-Power, Mobile platform, Mobile trusted module, interface specification, personal computer(PC), trusted platform module, work group