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Conference Paper Moderating Effect of Individual Differences on the Adoption of U-healthcare Service
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Jung-Hae Seo, Sun-Jin Kim, Sun-Joong Kim
Issue Date
Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2008, pp.2472-2476
Conference Paper
Project Code
07MD2900, Development of Distributed Sensor Network System, Cheol Sig Pyo
Since many countries are fast aging, the needs for caring aging population are increasing. As the ubiquitous sensor network (USN) technologies have shown their potential in nursing routine care of aging population or the people who are suffering from chronic diseases, many firms and medical centers want to enter this enormous and unexplored market with u-healthcare service. In order for a new service to be succeeded in the market, it is important to understand the factors affecting people's behavioral intention to use. Thus, we empirically investigated which factors have an influence on the adoption of u-healthcare service. The findings indicate that potential user's intention to adopt uhealthcare service is determined by their perception on usefulness and ubiquitous availability. In addition, it was found that the influence of some predictors on intention to use is moderated by personal innovativeness. Meanwhile, contrary to our expectation, it is revealed that perceived ease of use has no influence on the adoption intention. © 2008 PICMET.
KSP Keywords
Behavioral intention to Use, Healthcare Services, Perceived Ease of use, Personal innovativeness, Ubiquitous Healthcare System(U-Healthcare), User's intention, aging population, chronic disease, individual differences, intention to adopt, moderating effect