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Conference Paper Fabrication and Characterization of Surface-Micromachined Compact Microheater for Gas Sensing Applications
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Jae Woo Lee, H.-Y. Lee, S.-E. Moon, J.-H. Kwak, S.-J. Park, J.-H. Park, K.-H. Park, Jong Dae Kim
Issue Date
Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) 2008, pp.476-479
Conference Paper
surface-micromachined compact microheater for gas sensing applications fabricated on a silicon substrate is presented. The heater was fabricated with a compatible CMOS process and its membrane was released using XeF2 isotropic silicon etching. The membrane had SiO2/SixN y/SiO2 layers (0.4/0.3/0.3 μm) in order to restrict the initial stress after the release, resulting in less than 2.5 μm height deviation from the membrane center to the anchor. The circular-type Pt (0.18 μm) heater proposed in this paper has a diameter of 110 μm and a width of 5 μm. It also shows a 4-probe measured heater resistance of 10.9 廓, while that of the theoretical heater is 8.5 廓 Also, to evaluate its thermal performance, the MEMS heater was characterized using an empirical parameter extraction method. As the total thermal loss coefficient of the heater (Gth) was modeled to 1.68e-5 W/K at ambient temperature (T amb, 293 K) and the temperature coefficient of resistance at room temperature (TCRamb) was determined to be 0.00312 1/K, the heater temperature, as a total dissipated power function, was extracted to 700 K at 31 mW. © 2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
4-probe, Ambient Temperature, CMOS Process, Circular-type, Dissipated power, Empirical parameters, Gas sensing, Parameter extraction method, Power function, Room-temperature, Sensing applications