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Journal Article Influence of a Transparent SiCN Doping Layer on Performance of Silicon Nanocrystal LEDs
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Chul Huh, Kyung-Hyun Kim, Jong Cheol Hong, Hyun Sung Ko, Wan Joong Kim, Gun Yong Sung
Issue Date
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, v.11, no.11, pp.H296-H299
Electrochemical Society (ECS)
Journal Article
Project Code
08ZB1400, Basic research for the ubiquitous lifecare module development, Park Seon Hee
We have investigated the effects of a transparent SiCN doping layer on electrical and optical performance of silicon nanocrystal (nc-Si) light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The optical bandgap of SiCN doping layer shifted to a shorter wavelength with increasing N composition into the SiCN doping layer, which was estimated from 2.2 to 2.6 eV by applying the Tauc model. The electrical property of the nc-Si LED by employing a transparent SiCN doping layer was enhanced compared to that of the nc-Si LED with a SiC doping layer. This could be attributed to a reduction in the tunnel barrier of electrons into the nc-Si from the doping layer due to the higher bandgap of the SiCN doping layer than the SiC doping layer. In addition, the power conversion efficiency (output powerinput power) was also improved by 41%. The results suggested that a transparent SiCN doping layer was a very effective way to improve the performance of nc-Si LEDs. Moreover, we demonstrated the 8×8 μ -LED array with stable and uniform light emission. © 2008 The Electrochemical Society.
KSP Keywords
Conversion efficiency(C.E.), LED array, Light Emission, Light-emitting diodes (leds), Nc-Si, Optical band gap, Si LED, Silicon nanocrystals(Si NCs), Tunnel barrier, Uniform light, electrical properties(I-V curve)