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Conference Paper A Survey on Visualization for Wireless Security
Cited 4 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Chi Yoon Jeong, Beom Hwan Chang, Jung Chan Na
Issue Date
International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM) 2008, pp.129-132
Conference Paper
The Wireless security has been a popular research topic over the past few years with the abruptly growth in the population of WiFi user. The security situation awareness approaches based on visualization were developed due to the problems on wired network such as the amount of the events which are analyzed by the intrusion detection system, the false positives of the intrusion detection system, the convenience of the users, and etc. For that reason, the wireless security systems will be ultimately developed around the technology of the visualization based. Therefore, in this paper, we looked into the visualization technology on wireless network and described about the development direction of the front. The visualization technology of the front for wireless security will be developed as the form which integrates the wireless network visualization technology and wireless network mapping technology. © 2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Development direction, False positive, Intrusion detection system(IDS), Mapping technologies, Network mapping, Network visualization, Situation awareness(SA), Wireless network, security situation, security system, visualization technology