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Conference Paper Dual Tunnelling Mechanism for Mobile IP Based 3G LTE-WLAN Handover
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Kyung-Yul Cheon, Mi Jeong Yang, Ae Soon Park, Yeon-Jung Kim, Young Hwan Choi, Sang-Ha Kim
Issue Date
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2008 (Fall), pp.1-5
Conference Paper
Project Code
08MM1200, Research on service platform for the next generation mobile comm., Kim Yeongjin
Recently Mobile IPv6(MIPv6) used to support IP mobility in heterogeneous network such as the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System(or Long Term Evolution system) and 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs). But MIPv6 has well-known packet loss during movement detection and binding update, but it has another packet loss while creating new tunnel and updating routing path. That is, when the home agent sends a Binding Acknowledgement(BA) message to mobile node after receiving a Binding Update(BU) message, the new tunneled packets are also sent to MN with the BA message. After receiving the BA message, the MN creates new tunnel and modifies routing information. But while completing these procedures, the MN can not handle new tunneled packets incoming together the BA message. To solve this problem, this paper proposes the Dual Tunneling Mechanism(DTM) to reduce the additional loss using the reception-only tunnel. In this paper, we analyze the packet delay time in overlay and non-overlay network in case of general Mobile IPv6 and DTM, and observe the handover experimental result for the 3G LTE-WLAN network. ©2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
3G LTE, 802.11 Wireless local area networks, Additional loss, Binding Update, Delay Time, Evolution system, Experimental Result, Home agent(HA), IP Mobility, Local Area Network(LAN), Long term Evolution(LTE)