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학술대회 A Proposal of Semantic Analysis Based Integrated Multi-Level Search System for Smart TV
Cited 1 time in scopus Download 2 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
김명은, 조준면, 유정주, 홍진우, 김상하
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2013, pp.197-205
12PR1300, Beyond 스마트 TV 기술 개발, 홍진우
Aligned with the rapid change of broadcast environment TV is no longer than a passive device to receive a signal of terrestrial television broadcasting. A Smart TV is the new trend of integration of the Internet and Web 2.0 features into the modern television sets and set-top boxes. The users having much experience in a computer want to use a Smart TV alike. However, a Smart TV has yet to provide various user interface devices such as a mouse and a keyboard thus it is needed to develop new search technology to analyze user intents from a simple user keyword phrase and search the target contents from the multiple sources including broadcast network and Internet. In this paper, we proposed the framework of semantic analysis based integrated multi-level search system to improve search accuracy and expand search coverage. The proposed system can retrieve the user desirable multimedia contents from various sources at a time by analyzing an ambiguous user keyword phrase with ontological knowledge. © 2013 GIRI.
KSP 제안 키워드
Interface device, Multi-level, Multimedia contents, Multiple sources, Ontological knowledge, Search accuracy, User interface, passive device, search system, semantic analysis, smart TV