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Conference Paper Design of Network Management Platform and Security Framework for WSN
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Byung Gil Lee, Seung Jo Bae, Dong Won Han
Issue Date
International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems (SITIS) 2008, pp.640-645
Conference Paper
Wireless sensor networks are rapidly emerging as an important area in ubiquitous computing industry. They are very tiny devices with limited energy, memory, transmission range, and computation power. So, wireless sensor networks are vulnerable to security attack such as sinkhole attack, wormhole attack, and simple power exhaustion attack. However, wireless sensor networks must be secured from obstructing the delivery of correct sensor data and from forging sensor data. The security and privacy problem related to wireless sensor network's application has become a serious issue in the real service environment. In this paper, we propose our management platform and security framework for wireless sensor networks. The proposed framework has advantages as regards secure association and intrusion detection. Furthermore, the proposed mechanism can be applied to ubiquitous application such as ucity, u-healthcare, u-defense as a secure wireless sensor network management platform. © 2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Computation power, Management Platform, Secure association, Security Framework, Security attacks, Service environment, Sinkhole attack, Static wireless sensor networks(WSNs), Transmission Range, Ubiquitous Healthcare System(U-Healthcare), Ubiquitous application