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연도 ~ 키워드


학술지 Quality of Protection for Multimedia Services via Wireless Mesh Networks
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임선희, 이옥연, 김종현
Information : An International Interdisciplinary Journal, v.16 no.7(B), pp.5145-5158
International Information Institute
13PS1100, 다중소스 데이터의 Long-term History 분석기반 사이버 표적공격 인지 및 추적기술 개발, 김익균
As the wireless technologies are rapidly developing, massive and realtime multimedia service on portable device via wireless networks is actively supported. The small, portable handheld devices are often left unsecured due to their limited computing power. Furthermore, security service for multimedia application on portable device is typically provided in a one-or-nothing manner regardless of importance of contents. The approach is also inadequate for multimedia application via wireless networks that require security due to the innate flaws of wireless. Hence, we need a tunable and differentiable security framework to achieve the best possible security and performance levels in wireless mesh networks depending on environments. In this paper, we present a Quality of Protection (QoP) framework to provide tunable security levels for the multimedia application via wireless mesh network. The security framework provides differential security service for different user and application preference and requirements.
KSP 제안 키워드
Computing power, Handheld Devices, Multimedia Service, Performance levels, Portable device, Quality of Protection(QoP), Security Framework, Security level, Wireless Mesh Network, Wireless network, Wireless technology