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Conference Paper What is Needed the Most in MT-Supported Paper Writing
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Chang Hyun Kim, Oh-Woog Kwon, Young Kil Kim
Issue Date
Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC) 2008, pp.1-10
Conference Paper
This paper addresses our system which provides an effective method to write an English paper suitable for international conferences and analyze the system's pros and cons through the user's data collected from operating the system for 6 months. The system consists of Korean-English paper MT module supported by efficient user interaction environment. Our original Korean-English paper MT system was quite useful for understanding, but not satisfactory for writing. We analyzed our system when used for writing, and found 3 main reasons responsible for the dissatisfaction, that is, the errors in the source sentence itself, the errors of our MT system, and the absence of the appropriate domain-specific expression information. In this paper, we provide an effective method for each problem within our user interaction environment and show the evaluation result by analyzing the data we got from operating, by which we can confirm that our system is quite useful for paper writing.
KSP Keywords
Data collected, Domain-specific, MT system, User interaction, pros and cons