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Conference Paper Controlled Korean for Korean-English MT
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Mun Pyo Hong, Chang-Hyun Kim
Issue Date
Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC) 2008, pp.391-396
Conference Paper
This paper addresses the issues in designing the so-called 'Controlled Korean' for a Korean-English MT system. Controlled Language is a sublanguage of a natural language which is supposed to improve the readability and the translatability of a text. Much effort has been made to design a controlled language for major international languages such as English, German, Spanish and etc. However, little effort has been made yet to design a Controlled Korean in the context of machine translation. In this paper we introduce the concept of the Controlled Korean we have developed for a Korean-English MT system and compare the Controlled Korean with the Controlled English and Controlled German from the perspective of the translatability. The result of our experiments shows that in designing a Controlled Language, not only the linguistic characteristics of the language but also the characteristics of an MT-System must be taken into account.
KSP Keywords
MT system, Machine Translation(MT), controlled English, natural language