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Journal Article IPTV2.0 서비스를 위한 네트워킹 기술
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이경희, 윤장우, 류원, 김봉태
Issue Date
대한임베디드공학회논문지, v.3, no.4, pp.218-228
Journal Article
The convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication services is being accelerated by broadband networks, digital broadcasting and Web2.0. This paper describes the definition and service characteristics of IPTV as a representative of broadcasting and telecommunication convergence services. Especially, the changes of infrastructure and technology for IPTV2.0 are addressed in terms of the service features of mobility, intelligence and participation. IPTV2.0 shall be characterized by the open IPTV service based on Web2.0 and the mobile IPTV service over the heterogeneous networks employing various wireless/wired access technologies. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and Service Delivery Platform (SDP) technologies are increasingly considered to support the personalization and openness. The mobility management technology is being evolved to provide QoS-guaranteed mobile communication services to users at anytime and anywhere. IPTV2.0 services and platforms are also anticipated to be core components to achieve knowledge-based ubiquitous society. IPTV2.0 contents are required to be integrated with the enhanced metadata to efficiently support search, selection, convergence and delivery of the contents. Moreover, those contents shall be enhanced to provide the scalable services which is adaptable to the network status and user preferences. Therefore, the networking technologies for IPTV2.0 should tightly cooperate with application services and adaptive contents. Those technologies will be developed to construct the ubiquitous content service platform considering the evolution of networks and various converged services.