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Conference Paper Performance Analysis of Hybrid Fingerprint Matching Methods
Cited 2 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Jong Ku Kim, Seung-Hoon Chae, Sung Jin Lim, Sung Bum Pan, Dae Sung Moon
Issue Date
International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN) 2008, pp.66-69
Conference Paper
Fingerprint verification in biometric technologies is the most widely-used user identification method because of its confidence and convenience. The minutiae-based method has been frequently used, but it has limitations in performance. These days, there have been many studies on enhancement of performance using other information rather than minutiae. The image-based method uses contrast of images to verify fingerprints. This study analyzed changes in performance according to size and form of images to be compared to identify the performance of the verification using binary fingerprint images. The results showed that the performance was good when the center of fingerprints was included while Zero False Match Rate(ZeroFMR) decreased when the size of compared area was below 64×64. And when the compared area was the center of the fingerprint image, verification and security performance were enhanced. In particular, if information on ridge in the center of the image was used, ZeroFMR could be evaluated though the ridge and valley were not used together. © 2008 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Fingerprint Verification, Fingerprint image, Fingerprint matching, Hybrid fingerprint, Identification method, Image-based method, Performance analysis, Security Performance, User Identification, binary fingerprint, false match rate