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Conference Paper Rigid Body Interaction in SPH
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Seung Taik Oh, Young Hee Kim, Byung-Seok Roh
Issue Date
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, pp.1-1
Conference Paper
It is an important issue how to solve an interaction between fluid and rigid body in fluid simulations. Boundary force scheme suggested by Monaghan is a popular approach to solving this issue in SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), a particle based Lagrangian method to simulate fluids[Monaghan 1994]. He made use of a repulsive force based on Lennard-Jones potential to prevent a penetration of fluid into a rigid body. Later, the repulsive force has improved to a more stable form in [Monaghan et al. 2003]. Such a repulsive force is called boundary force and especially the repulsive force by Monaghan is called Monaghan boundary force(MBF) here. Easy implementation and overall effectiveness are main advantages of the boundary force scheme. It is worth noting the MBF doesn’t respect well the dynamic properties or behaviors of rigid body. Indeed, the MBF depends only on the distance to rigid body because it was designed to prevent a penetration of a particle with the maximum speed in simulation. In addition, if the MBF is applied to an interaction between rigid bodies, it is hard to accomplish a proper collision solving. This sketch proposes a new boundary force based on collision of rigid bodies called collision based boundary force(CBF). The idea of CBF is that every interaction where a rigid body is involved can be understood as a collision between a particle and a rigid body or rigid bodies. Our CBF enjoys the full advantages of boundary force scheme as the MBF does. Basically our CBF works well for all rigid body interactions, that is, fluid-rigid and rigid-rigid, and especially in rigid-rigid interactions, it gives more stable and reasonable results by calculating the exact impact force at collisions compared to the MBF. So, our CBF based SPH solver may turn to be a particle based rigid body solver if only rigid bodies are simulated without fluids.
KSP Keywords
Body Interaction, Boundary force, Dynamic properties, Impact force, Lagrangian method, Lennard-Jones potential, Repulsive force, Rigid bodies, maximum speed, smoothed particle hydrodynamics