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Journal Article A Study on Performance Enhancement of Packet Detection in MB-OFDM UWB Systems
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Kyu Min Kang
Issue Date
IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E92-B, no.1, pp.237-245
일본, 전자정보통신학회 (IEICE)
Journal Article
This paper presents a high performance and hardware efficient packet detection structure, which employs a cross correlator for the M-sample time delayed correlation operation and a signal power calculator using the received input samples less than or equal to a zero-padded suffix of length M. We investigate the detailed characteristics of the proposed packet detector. In this paper, the performance of a class of packet detection algorithms in the ultra-wideband (UWB) channel environments is also studied. The best packet detection algorithm for the multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) UWB transmission is determined through analysis and extensive simulations. The results of analysis show that the proposed packet detection structure has advantages in the hardware complexity as well as performance when compared with the existing packet detection structures. In order to effectively conduct the packet detection before the automatic gain control (AGC) mode, we investigate the effects of both a frequency offset and the initial gain level of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) on the performance of the packet detection. We also suggest a VGA gain control technique to enhance the performance of packet detection. Copyright © 2009 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
KSP Keywords
Automatic Gain Control(AGC), Control technique, Delayed correlation, Detection algorithm, Hardware complexity, Hardware efficient, High performance, Information and communication, MB-OFDM UWB, Orthogonal frequency division Multiplexing(OFDM), Time delayed