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Conference Paper Hierarchical CRGK for a Large-scale User Group
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Ji Hyun Park, Ki Song Yoon, Jae Cheol Ryou
Issue Date
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2009, pp.1-2
Conference Paper
Project Code
08MS1900, Development of user-centric contents protection and distribution technology, Suh Young Ho
The purpose of the group key management is to provide a secure key sharing scheme among the users in a group on a broadcast or a multicast environment. CRGK[1] is the centralized group key management scheme based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem(CRT). It optimizes the number of rekey message, user-side key computation, and number of key storage. However, CRGK is suited for a small size user group because of the computation complexity of the Chinese remainder theorem. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical CRGK scheme which is able to support a large-scale user group. Our approach is to adopt an n-ary tree with the CRGK. Our scheme requires the small number of re-key messages and the short computation timeeven though the size of a user group increases largely. ©2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Chinese remainder theorem(CRT), Group key management scheme, Key storage, User groups, computation complexity, key sharing, large-scale, n-ary tree, small size