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Journal Article A Model of Sound Localisation Applied to the Evaluation of Systems for Stereophony
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Mun Hum Park, Philip A. Nelson, Kyeong Ok Kang
Issue Date
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, v.94, no.6, pp.825-839
Journal Article
In this paper, a model of human sound localisation is described, and its prediction is compared to the results of listening tests. The model takes binaural signals as the input, processing them in a series of signal processing modules, which simulate the peripheral, binaural and the central stages of spatial hearing. In particular, the central processor of the model considers the excitation-inhibition (EI) cell activity patterns as the internal representation of available cues, and the source location estimates are obtained by using a simple pattern-matching procedure. In the listening tests, stereophonic images were presented to the listener's front, where the stimulus was either broadband or 1/3 octave band noise at 7 centre frequencies from 0.5 kHz to 6 kHz. The subjective responses compared well to the model prediction across frequency except for some cases where the image location was overestimated. Also, the prediction for the localisation of broadband phantom images agreed well with the test results, where the model prediction was integrated across frequency according to a tentatively suggested weighting function. Although the neuroscientific background is weak for the model, the good agreement with the subjective responses suggests that the model is worth investigating further. © S. Hirzel Verlag - EAA.
KSP Keywords
1/3 octave band, Activity pattern, Cell activity, Evaluation of systems, Internal Representation, Location estimates, Signal Processing, Sound localisation, Source Location, central processor, listening tests