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Conference Paper A ZigBee and ZigBee-to-IR Device Control Scheme for Single Media Multi Devices
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Hyun Woo Oh, Jong Hyun Jang, Kwang Roh Park
Issue Date
International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2009, pp.365-369
Conference Paper
Project Code
09MC2900, Development of Ubiquitous Home Media Service System based on SMMD, Jang Jong Hyun
This paper has a background of SMMD (Single Media Multi Device) control technology for causing various actual feeling effects about one media source. SMMD technology adds metadata controlling arbitrary multiple devices in one MPEG-4 media. A home server produces a control command from metadata and delivers control message to a sensory effect device using the ZigBee communication. A device produces an internal interface command or specific IR code for controlling an actual feeling effect device. IR codes are different by products and each manufacturer. A home server has the function of learning IR codes and manages the IR code profile. A ZigBee coordinator manages several ZigBee end devices. A ZigBee end device controls some sensory effect devices. We propose a control mechanism about ZigBee control and ZigBee-to-IR control device and implement a demo system. ©2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Control device, Control mechanism, Control scheme, Control technology, Device Control, End device, Home server, Internal interface, Mpeg-4, Sensory effect, Zigbee communication