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Conference Paper The Model of Device Coordination for Ubiquitous Web Applications
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Kang Chan Lee, Seung Yun Lee, Dong Min Shin, Jae Yoon Jung
Issue Date
International Conference of Maritime Information and Communication Sciences (ICKIMICS) 2009, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
In spite of the rapid growth of Ubiquitous Web Applications (UWA), they impose several important challenges to provide useful services to relevant users through suitable devices. Specifically, services that are either local or remote, explicit or implicit, and individual user-targeted or a group of user-oriented can have diverse characteristics. Therefore, how to unambiguously describe services to discover them in a ubiquitous environment needs to be addressed. Especially, for providing such services, it is also necessary to establish solid relationships between devices and services that they provide. In this paper, we propose the formal description, model, and the use cases of device coordination in terms of Ubiquitous Web Application.
KSP Keywords
Ubiquitous environments, Use Cases, User-oriented, Web application, formal description, rapid growth