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Conference Paper Low-Complexity, High-Throughput Multiple-Access Wireless Protocol for Body Sensor Networks
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Seung Mok Yoo, Chong Jing Chen, Pai H. Chou
Issue Date
International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN) 2009, pp.109-113
Conference Paper
Wireless systems that form a body-area network must be made small and low power without sacrificing performance. To achieve high-throughput communication in lowcost wireless body area networks, we propose a low-complexity, "pulling" MAC protocol. Such a network architecture consists of low-complexity nodes and moderate-complexity base stations, which act as clients to pull data from the nodes that act as thin servers. This organization achieves intra-network collisionfree multiple access as in TDMA but without expensive time synchronization. It also achieves high utilization of air bandwidth and adaptivity of CSMA protocols but without collision or complexity on the node side. Experimental results show that our pulling protocol achieves better good channel utilization of up to 52.8% and high data throughput of up to 432Kbps. We also tested our MAC protocol on a wireless ECG system. Our MAC protocol can transmit ten simultaneous streams of data at 200 samples per second each from ten sensing devices. © 2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Body Area Networks(BANs), Body Sensor Networks(BSNs), Channel Utilization, Data throughput, High throughput(HTP), Intra-network, Low-Power, MAC protocol, Network Architecture, Sensing device, Time synchronization