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Conference Paper The Processing System of the Event and Service Registry in USN Application Service Environment
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Sung Keun Yeom, Sang Keun Yoo, Yong Woon Kim, Hyung Jun Kim, Seo Kyun Kim, Hoe Kyung Jung
Issue Date
International Conference of Maritime Information and Communication Sciences (ICKIMICS) 2009, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
In Ubiquitous environment, various amounts of sensor data information occur continuously and periodically about the thing and user from RFID, sensor network of various space. In Such USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Network) environment, many of sensor data information is passed from application service to processing. The users from among many of provider who provide sensor service should find service that they want. And when the service is used, it should be provided the right to user service. But in the current environment of the USN Application Service, there is no the registry to find these services, except only business-oriented UDDI (Universal Description Discovery, and Integration). In addition, when service use, service right to user should be provided, but current services are provided only by the services of one of the conditions or events. Therefore, rule based processing system of service event that can provide service according to various conditions and events is need. In this paper, we research about service registry for sensor service search with reference to existing UDDI and event processing system for USN application service with reference to event rule based on web service as WS-ECA (Web Service-Event Condition Action).
KSP Keywords
Business-oriented, Event Condition Action, Processing system, Rule-based, Sensor service, Service environment, Service registry, Ubiquitous environments, Various conditions, Web service(WS), application services