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Conference Paper IGMP Extentions for Mobile Multimedia Services
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Eun Jo Lee, Beom Gu Kang, Sung Kwon Park, Ho Sook Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC) 2009, pp.291-295
Conference Paper
Project Code
09MR4500, Development of IP-based High Speed Multimedia Transmission Technology for HFC Network, Lee Soo In
Mobile access networks are being developed to support various multimedia services such as IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), VoD (Video on Demand), and high speed internet services. Especially, these networks are a point-to-multipoint method in which one MAG (Mobile Access Gateway) and many MNs (Mobile Node) are connected. In other words, if a mobile multimedia viewer is joining a specific multicast group over mobile access networks, the others receive the multimedia program at the same time although they do not belong to the same multicast group. However, the traditional IGMP versions do not allow immediate multimedia program sharing as explained about. Also, in traditional IGMP versions, a viewer always needs to send IGMP join report. This paper proposes IGMP extensions which improves group join and leave process in mobile access networks for multimedia services. ©2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Access gateway, Belong to, High Speed, Internet Protocol Television(IPTV), Internet protocol(IP), Internet service, Mobile node(MN), Multicast group, Video on Demand, access network, mobile access