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Conference Paper Practical RFID + SENSOR Convergence Toward ContextAware X-Reality
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Marie Kim, Jae Gak Hwang, Cheol Sig Pyo
Issue Date
International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human (ICIS) 2009, pp.1049-1055
Conference Paper
Project Code
09IC1300, Development of RFID/USN Middleware Platform Technology, Hwang Jae Gak
Second Life is a representative virtual world accessible via the Internet. One can live in Second Life as a Resident, represented as an avatar. Now an important question is a raise that is, What if virtual world reflects real world (almost) exactly in the same way and vice versa? RFID and sensor technologies can drive life into virtual world i.e., RFID + Sensor technology augments user's experiences in the virtual world and enables real world synchronous response toward the virtual world. Furthermore, these two worlds can cross over to extend human life space (called cross-reality). However, the main challenge of using RFID + Sensor technology in real world is the heterogeneity of RFID + Sensor devices and the sensing data. Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) middleware has emerged as the key technology to propel the innovative paradigm (i.e., cross-reality) realization because USN middleware provides solution to heterogeneity and more. This paper describes USN middleware (COSMOS) which intermediates between various USN applications and diverse physical resources such as RFID reader networks, sensor and actuator networks, etc. and shows how it functions as a part of cross-reality platform. Copyright © 2009 ACM.
KSP Keywords
Cross-Reality, Key technology, RFID reader, Real-world, Second life, Sensing data, Sensor Technology, Sensor and actuator networks, Sensor device, Virtual world, WHAT If