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Conference Paper The Effects of Metal Electrodes on the Electrical Properties of Flexible IGZO Thin Film Transistors
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Woo Seok Cheong, Jun Yong Bak, Hong Seung Kim, Chun Won Byun, Sung Mook Chung, Gi Heon Kim, Jong Hyurk Park, Chi Sun Hwang
Issue Date
International Workshop on Flexible and Printable Electronics (IWFPE) 2009, pp.1-1
Conference Paper
In this study, we have developed IGZO TFTs on both glass and AryLite substrate for low temperature processing below 200 °C. Using various metals (Mo, Cr, Ta, and Pt), the effects of S&D electrodes on the electrical properties of IGZO-TFTs could be evaluated. IGZO TFTs with Ta electrode showed the best performances from the mobility of 19.58 cm2/Vs, the SS of 0.13 and Von of 0 V, but most devices without Al2O3 buffer layer showed serious negative shifts of Von.
KSP Keywords
Buffer layer, IGZO TFTs, IGZO thin film, Low temperature(LT), Low temperature processing, Thin-Film Transistor(TFT), electrical properties(I-V curve), metal electrode, thin film(TF)