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Journal Article Catalytic Behavior of Sn/Bi Metal Powder in Anhydride-Based Epoxy Curing
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Keon Soo Jang, Yong Sung Eom, Jong Tae Moon, Yong Soo Oh, Jae Do Nam
Issue Date
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v.9, no.12, pp.7461-7466
American Scientific Publishers (ASP)
Journal Article
Project Code
09MB4300, Hybrid underfill material for an electrical interconnection and high adhesion strength, Eom Yong Sung
In this paper, we report the catalytic activity of the Sn/Bi alloy beads and its acceleration of the exothermic epoxy curing reactions in various thermal conditions and bead compositions. As being used as low-melting solder balls in electronic interconnection processes with various epoxy systems, it was found that the Sn/Bi beads substantially lowered the exothermic peak temperature of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)/anhydride systems in up to ca. 140 °C depending on different types of anhydride curing agents. The catalytic activation of Sn/Bi powder was initiated with a small amount of Sn/Bi powder, for example, lowering ca. 50 °C of the exothermic peak temperature by adding only 0.1 vol% of Sn/Bi powder. The catalytic capability of the powder was increased by using smaller sized beads corresponding to larger catalytic surface area at the same volume fraction. Exhibiting a latent catalytic effect, the catalytic activity of Sn/Bi powder was remained latent at temperatures lower than 100 °C in isothermal conditions. © 2009 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.
KSP Keywords
Catalytic activation, Catalytic behavior, Catalytic capability, Curing reactions, Epoxy curing, Low melting, Peak temperature, Solder ball, Surface Area, Volume fraction, catalytic activity