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학술대회 Design of Multilayer PIFA based on an EBG Structure for SAR Reduction in Mobile Applications
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곽상일, 심동욱, 권종화, 윤재훈
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2009, pp.645-648
09MR5200, 전자파 기반 진단 및 방호기술 연구, 전순익
This paper propose a optimized multilayer PIFA in PCS bands based on the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) for SAR reduction. The EBG structure which has bandgap capability and acts as PMC surfaces can reduce the surface waves and prevent the undesired radiation from the antenna. Thus, the EBG structure can reduce the electromagnetic fields toward the human head direction. First, to optimize of multilayer PIFA structure for SAR reduction, the EBG structure with the PCB and antenna layer is designed. And second, a parameter study of location and height of a PIFA with the EBG structure is performed. Finally, the optimized multilayer PIFA with EBG is investigated, both on the S-parameters, radiation patterns and on the SAR value. The results demonstrated the reduction of SAR value with maintaining the antenna performance and the human body can be protected from hazard electromagnetic fields. ©2009 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Antenna performance, EBG structure, Electromagnetic BandGap(EBG), Electromagnetic Field, Human body, Mobile Application(APP), Parameter study, Radiation Pattern, SAR values, Surface waves, human head