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Conference Paper An Adaptive Access Selection with Multple Attributes in Cognitive Radio Network
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Seung Kwon Baek, Jae Su Song, Jin up Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops (ICUMT) 2009, pp.1-5
Conference Paper
In future wireless networks, the users will have the capability to access to multiple networks via multi-mode terminal. There is a need to have mechanism in place to decide which radio access network is the most suitable for the user and for the services that the user requires. To address these issues, we propose an access system(AS) selection algorithm, based on a combination of multi-attribute utility theory, in cognitive radio network. In order to achieve the proposal, we propose the system architecture and AS selection scheme for heterogeneous cognitive radio network. Our AS selection scheme is user-centric intelligent mechanism by introducing the utility functions with various parameters such as radio condition , load of each access system, mobility pattern of user and preference. The experimental result shows propo sed AS selection scheme results in better performance than traditional vertical handover scheme. ©2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Access selection, Experimental Result, Handover Scheme, Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Network, Mobility pattern, Multi-attribute utility theory, Multiple network, Radio Access Network, System architecture, User-Centric, Wireless network