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Conference Paper OLSR Protocol using a Reachability Check
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Se Hyun Cho, Hye Sook Park
Issue Date
International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS) 2009, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
Project Code
09MR5900, Development of Next Generation Fixed Mobile Convergence Gateway Technology, Byungjun Ahn
In this paper we discuss and propose Optimized Link State Routing protocol. This protocol is based on the link state algorithm from Open Shortest Path First Routing protocol. In contrast of OSPF, OLSR choose Multipoint Distribution Relay (MPR) to flood the link state. MPRS gives the node’s flood messages (TC) to other MPRS efficiently. It significantly reduces the burden of the flooding between the nodes. As OLSR is for the Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET), nodes are connected each other wirelessly. They don’t know which nodes are well broken. In OLSR, Link reliability doesn’t care about this issue. It is quite important in wireless environment. We propose the some method to increase the performance of OLSR.
KSP Keywords
Link reliability, Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks(MANET), OLSR Protocol, Open Shortest Path First, Optimized link state routing protocol, shortest path first(SPF)